Prepare your Business With These Post-Covid Marketing Strategies

post-covid marketing strategiesThe Corona crisis has affected all types of business all over Australia and will undoubtedly change consumer and business behaviours. Now that the curve has started to flatten, businesses are preparing to re-launch. Post-Covid will demand that all businesses re-design their marketing plan and develop continuous experimentation with digital marketing. Marketing Managers need to change their campaigns as soon as possible to prepare for the re-launch stage. The priority now of all future Post-Covid Marketing Strategies must be boosting life time value and customer experience, as well as delivering a purpose driven and meaningful brand.

This all may sound daunting, however Visual Marketing Australia comes to your rescue with our post-Covid marketing packages. Our Post-Covid Marketing Packages will bounce back your business stronger and smarter than before. The packages are suited for all types of businesses in different industries and there is an affordable package to suit that won’t break the bank.

Our packages include:

  • Social Media Marketing
    • Increasing brand awareness, inbound traffic, conversions and providing better customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.
  • Pay Per Click Marketing including Google Ads and Facebook Ads
    • Immediate results for highly targeted website traffic and ensures exposure and brand recognition.
  • Email Marketing Campaigns
    • Targeted and personalised content that builds credibility, brand recognition, stronger customer relationships and boost sales.

Benefits of our post-Covid marketing packages

  • Excellent value for money

Our packages have been designed to deliver maximum return on investment by including tested online marketing tactics that are proved to work.

  • Using the power of social media to get closer to your customers

Our social media services include Facebook posts, and groups, to help you keep in touch with your customers even if you can’t meet them in person.

  • Spend every dollar wisely with PPC advertising

We can assist with both Google Ads Campaign and Facebook Ads Campaign to help you reach a larger number of qualified prospects.

  • Delivering your messages to your customers’ inboxes

Email marketing is still among the most effective digital marketing techniques and we will help you implement email campaigns using personalised, compelling emails that determine recipients to take action and engage with your business.

  • You know what you get

In a prior post we discussed the importance of marketing without interruption, and more specifically crisis periods. Businesses of all sizes are often tempted to decrease their marketing spending during difficult times. So, it is understandable that businesses are concerned about investing money into marketing when you are not even sure you will still be open in a month’s time.

However marketing should NOT be ditched for multiple reasons which you can read all about why here – Why must you continue to market during a crisis/recession?. What you can do right now is start implementing smart Post-Covid Marketing Strategies, even if your marketing budget has shrunk.

Why should you think about Post-Covid Marketing Strategies now?

Post-covid marketing strategies

Have you sales dropped in the past couple of months? Then our advice is to make time for marketing, no matter how hard you are struggling, because you still need customers to buy. If your business has completely halted marketing and you are no longer visible in the market then how are you going to acquire those customers that you desperately need.

The time to act is now! Don’t wait until things improve and restrictions are lifted – get cracking now and plan your Post COVID Startup strategy. You want to hit the ground running to maximise your potential of acquiring new customers. Remember that many of your competitors may be slow out of the gate or have decided to close their doors permanently, so now is the time to take advantage of this opportunity. While some of your competitors are mulling over the unprecedented downtime, others are taking the opportunity to regroup.

If you start building your post-Covid marketing and communication now, you will be one step ahead of the competition when this situation eventually comes to an end.

Things will not go back to exactly how they were

Even though your clients may have been taking advantage of digital services before, the forced isolation made them highly demanded. When the virus is over, don’t expect this trend to disappear. People will stick to this new trend of purchasing products and services online because they will have seen the benefits and the majority of industries will have already adapted to the digital world. E-commerce infrastructure will develop and our habits will also change up to the point where we will be less likely to go to brick and mortar stores.

The convenience of getting things done without leaving the house is changing the way consumers plan their lives. New behaviours become permanent the longer they are in place, and the current crisis is expected to change the way people communicate and interact, as well as products and services that are related to social interaction.

Consumers are changing

One of the reasons why Post-Covid Marketing Strategies are necessary is the fact that your customers will be different after going through this crisis. The majority of companies will need to rethink their marketing strategies entirely to adjust to a smarter and more suspicious consumer. The pandemic is an excellent opportunity to test new tactics and see how clients react to them.

At the same time, consumers will become more aware of the risk of spreading infections and may become more sensitive to germs in a world where physical contact is reduced. Every industry that involves close contact or spending time in public places will have to change, such as dining, entertainment, and travel. Practising these germ avoidance behaviours for months will lead to their normalisation and change our everyday lives and consumption habits, requiring modified products and services.

Slowly but surely companies in all industries begin to understand that business environments and consumer demand are changing. The only way to survive in an altered world is adopting a proactive approach to adapt to changes that will occur and adjust your products/services and Post-Covid Marketing Strategies accordingly. Contact us now for help and advice on how to be prepared for the post-Covid economic environment and together we will implement those strategies that will ensure the long-term health of your business.

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