How To Secure Your WordPress

WordPress is software used to create websites or blogs. Launched about ten years ago, it exploded in popularity and now powered about 18% of websites worldwide. According to WordPress Org, the WordPress 1.2 release saw 822 downloads per day, with the latest release, WordPress 3.5, 145,692 per day.

Unfortunately, WordPress’ popularity came with a price. A couple of months ago it became the target of a massive “brute force” attack by an unknown attacker using the default username ‘admin’ and trying out thousands of passwords.

If your website or blog is powered by WordPress, there are a few simple things you can do to make sure your website is safe, and stay protected.

Update To The Latest Version:

Always make sure your site is updated to the latest WordPress version immediately once it becomes available. This will ensure you have protection from any known security bugs.

Hide Your wp-config.php:

This is the most confidential of all files in WordPress installation. It is found on your root directory by default, making it easy for hackers to locate. The good news with the current versions of WordPress is it allows you to move this file somewhere else so that, unless you are on FTP or SSH, you will never be able to read this file.

Do Not Use The Default Username “admin”:

Hackers can get access into your WordPress installation by brute force, by using a program to try out a long list of words for your username and password. Make it hard for them by using a different username.

Do Not Show Your WordPress Version On Your Site or Blog:

Never advertise the version of your WordPress on your site or blog, as this could allow people to know if you’re running an outdated version and could be vulnerable to an attack.

Use A Strong Password:

Using a strong password with at least 8 characters, and a combination of upper and lower case letter, as well as some numbers and extended characters, will make it harder for your site to be hacked into and lower your vulnerability for any attacks.

For  More Tips On How To Secure Your WordPress, Click below

6 Killer Tips to Secure your WordPress Website

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